
Friday, May 07, 2010

It's Foodie Friday! And This Brown Girl Lovvvesss Champagne® Mangoes!

I grew up eating all kinds of different varieties of mangoes.  But OMG.  I loveeeeeeee Champagne® mangoes.  You don't understand.  I said I lovveee Champagne® mangoes.  Have you tried them?  If you haven't, you really should.  If you have, then you know exactly what I'm talking about!  My mouth is watering RIGHT NOW.
I was in [the Marina del Rey, CA] Costco about 4 or 5 years ago when I ran into my first box of Champagne® Mangoes.  I remember the moment.  I was rounding the corner making my way to the fruits and vegetables section and there they were....smiling at me.  So I smiled back.  We checked each other out for a few moments and then I politely and gently placed the box in my cart forgetting all other fruits and vegetables.  I couldn't get out of the store fast enough.  I made a quick stop home to drop off my Costco booty and purposely avoided making eye contact with The Box thinking that I might be able get back out of the house without breaking the seal.  But I couldn't help myself.  I tore open the box (being careful not to bruise my lovelies) and used my best kitchen knife to peel away the skin of My New Best Fruit.  And you know what?  It was love at first bite.  And I haven't been the same since.
There's only one Champagne® mango. Everything about it is unique: its incomparable taste, its smooth texture and rich golden color. From flower to harvest, the Champagne® is the most pampered of all mangos.  They flourish in the fertile volcanic soil of central Mexico and are caressed by mild south Pacific breezes gently drifting through meticulously cultivated mango groves. Its origin was the result of random cross pollination of several mango trees in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico.  Champagne® mangos are naturally fat free and they are an excellent source of vitamins A and C.  There are no finer mangos available at any price, and they are brought to you exclusively by Ciruli Brothers.   [Source:]
These lovelies are only available March through July, so my trips to Costco are far more frequent than they should be really, but hey, I am fully prepared to admit my addiction.  And while it is true that I am unable to keep My Favorite Fruit around long enough to prepare any recipes, I did see a recipe for a Champagne® Mango Milkshake (pictured left) that I'd like to try (substituting soy milk for dairy) as well as a recipe for Chilled Champagne Mango Soup.  That is, if I can ever find the strength to peel them and not eat them right away.  I won't tell you how long it takes me to eat an entire box, because then you would have a much clearer picture into my addiction, so I'll just end this blog post suggesting that you give them a try.  And if you don't like them, you can definitely send them to me!


  1. I've never eaten mangos have to try them.

  2. Oooooh, Tami! You don't know what you're missing! You should give them a try!
