
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The One Brown Girl Challenge

Don't jump the gun.
I have so much I want to say.  So many irons in the fire.  So many things in the works.  And for me, that's the danger of blogging, Facebook, Twitter and all of the other social networking tools out in the Web-o-sphere.  It's so easy to just start tip-typing away.  But as a business person, it doesn't make sense for me to spill the beans about something I'm working on before it's finished, does it?  But as a person-person, I'm just oh-so-Show&Tell-ish and get sooo doggone enthusiastic about the possibilities of the world that I just want to get on my Facebook page and share share share!  But I won't.  Because if I give in to the impulse to share information, I might come to regret those itty bitty keystrokes that I can't take back; particularly if things don't go as planned.  (Like the time I sent out a press release about a television show I got booked on only for the producer to email me the very next day to cancel.  But that's another story entirely.)
So I'm challenging myself (and you) to consider how much more oomph good news has when it is announced at the right time and delivered without haste (whether professional or personal).  And to consider the effects of talking about what might happen before it actually happens.  And how it's definitely best to just go ahead and wait until the time is right.  No more jumping the gun for me.  My lips are sealed.  =)

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