
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

To Clone or Not to Clone

OMG.  I need a clone.  There are soooo many places I want need to be.  Right this very minute, I'm missing the 1st Annual Hispanic Public Relations and Social Marketing Conference in Dallas.  Are you kidding me?!?!  (Bet I won't miss it next year!)  I'm also missing a friend's retirement party this weekend because I'm going to Atlanta for Black Enterprise Magazine's Entrepreneurs Conference. Sigh.  I also wanted to go to the Blogging While Brown Conference coming up next month in D.C. (since I'm Brown and all), but the truth is that it doesn't make sense for me to fly from California to DC for a one day blogging conference.  (Although it's a 2 day conference, the first day is a blogging Bootcamp for beginners and I would like to think that I'm not a beginner.  Smiling.)  But if I had a clone, she would definitely be there.  Oooo.  I hate missing stuff. 
In contrast, I will be at Blogher '10 in New York in August and Blogalicious 2010 in Miami in October, so it would be good if my clone could stay behind and do what needs to be done here at home.   
The more I think about it, the more it makes sense for me to get a clone (or two).  Then I can spread this Brown Girl celebration of culture thing I'm so serious about around the world all at once.  In the meantime, however, I guess I'll just keep keepin' on...One Brown Girl at a time.  =)

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