The Personal Part
In 2011, I was at a travel blogging conference handing out business cards. I remember one guy looking at my card and then snickering in a not-so-nice-way. "OneBrownGirl dot com?" he questionned out loud. "You should really change that name to something else." *Pause*
And just in case you're wondering: No. I didn't poke him in the eyeballs with my free hand, roll my eyes and/or let him have it. Instead, I cocked my head to the side puppy-dog style, smiled and thought - without uttering a word - What a dolt. And yes, he left the area immediately. Silence freaks people out sometimes.
The Important Part
In case it isn't clear by my brand name, I'm a Brown Girl. Oh. And I travel too. A lot. I have lots of friends who are Brown and travel and lots of friends that travel who aren't. Today in this space and in the months to come, however, I'm celebrating Brown Girls who travel and write about it. But please. Don't get it twisted. Like my blog, celebrations are never meant to alienate anyone. I just don't get down like that. Instead, this celebration is for anyone who is down with Brown. ;-)
The Blog Carnival Part
Because everyone loves a party and because promoting under-represented travel bloggers is important, I am thrilled to announce the very first
hosted by *drumroll please*
Like many of our friends and colleagues, we're Brown and we travel and we'd like to gently suggest that the two are not mutually exclusive. We're blowing off sterotypes, coming together as fellow travelistas, and celebrating Carnival-style, and we want you to celebrate with us too!
The "How It All Works" Part
The Blog Carnival Part
Because everyone loves a party and because promoting under-represented travel bloggers is important, I am thrilled to announce the very first
Traveling Brown Girls Blog Carnival
hosted by *drumroll please*
Yours truly
FUN FACT: Along with other multicultural travel bloggers, Tracey will produce and host Wandermania on Tour, a series of global meet-ups aimed at inspiring multicultural travel blogger attendees to take their work to the next level via creative and collaborative marketing/social media campaigns.
April Thompson of Absolute Travel Addict
FUN FACT: April was the only Brown blogger to serve as a panelist at the
2011 Conference on Social Media and Tourism in Verona, Italy.
Carol Alvarez Cain of Girl Gone Travel
FUN FACT: Carol was the only American, the only blogger, and the only woman of color to be invited to Italy as media directly by an Italian food brand (and not by the agency representing it).
Monique Rubin of Mo Travels
FUN FACT: Monique (an American expat living in The Netherlands for the past 13 years) and her business partner have recently launched Toolbox Communications, offering workshops to help develop social media strategies for business, charitable and personal brands.
Chelle & Crystal of Brown Girls Fly
FUN FACT: Between these two traveling Brown Girl sisters, Chelle & Crystal have been to 27 countries on 5 continents.
Like many of our friends and colleagues, we're Brown and we travel and we'd like to gently suggest that the two are not mutually exclusive. We're blowing off sterotypes, coming together as fellow travelistas, and celebrating Carnival-style, and we want you to celebrate with us too!
The "How It All Works" Part
1. Travel bloggers (and lifestyle bloggers who frequently blog about travel) are invited to join the Traveling Brown Girls Blog Carnival by writing a creative and stellar blog post about designated travel topics (see below), publishing your post two days before the Carnival date, and then submitting the link and your Twitter handle to the designated Carnival host by the submission deadline. #soeasy
2. When the Carnival date arrives, the designated Carnival host will publish one post that includes the links to everyone's travel post so that all participants are promoted on the post.
3. Travel bloggers can show support by (a) promoting the Traveling Brown Girls Blog Carnival in advance of the Carnival by placing the badge somewhere on your blog; (b) using social media channels to get the word out; and (c) leaving comments on each of your fellow travelistas blog posts.
4. If you aren't a travel blogger, no worries. In fact, our readers are the main reason we blog, so you can just do what you've always done and show your support by sharing new travel blogs with your friends and leaving comments on the blog posts that resonate with you. A "Like" is always nice, but a comment is like candy to a travel blogger. ;-)
The "Why We're Doing It" Part
2. When the Carnival date arrives, the designated Carnival host will publish one post that includes the links to everyone's travel post so that all participants are promoted on the post.
3. Travel bloggers can show support by (a) promoting the Traveling Brown Girls Blog Carnival in advance of the Carnival by placing the badge somewhere on your blog; (b) using social media channels to get the word out; and (c) leaving comments on each of your fellow travelistas blog posts.
4. If you aren't a travel blogger, no worries. In fact, our readers are the main reason we blog, so you can just do what you've always done and show your support by sharing new travel blogs with your friends and leaving comments on the blog posts that resonate with you. A "Like" is always nice, but a comment is like candy to a travel blogger. ;-)
The "Why We're Doing It" Part
The idea is to expose under-represented travel bloggers to the general public, to travel brands and to PR firms and to do it in a supportive and collaborative way, to generate more interest in our travel stories, and to gain more readers. And yes, we'll do it again with different hosts and different topics and simply keep the party going until we think of something else collaborative and fun to do. How's that sound?
Travel Topic: Travel Etiquette Revisited: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Publish your post and then submit to on August 12, 2012
Publish your post and then submit to on August 12, 2012
Carnival Host: @AbsoluteADT
Carnival Date: October 16, 2012
Travel Topic: 5 Travel Tricks & Tips for Travelistas on the Go
Publish your post and then submit to on October 14, 2012
Carnival Date: October 16, 2012
Travel Topic: 5 Travel Tricks & Tips for Travelistas on the Go
Publish your post and then submit to on October 14, 2012
Carnival Host: @CarolACain
Carnival Date: December 11, 2012
Travel Topic: 5 Ways to Immerse Yourself in Local Culture
Publish your post and then submit to on December 8, 2012
Travel Topic: 5 Ways to Immerse Yourself in Local Culture
Publish your post and then submit to on December 8, 2012
Carnival Host: @Monique_Rubin
Carnival Date: February 5, 2013
Travel Topic: The Top 5 Travel Necessities No Travelista Should Live Without
Publish your post and then submit to on February 3, 2013
Carnival Date: February 5, 2013
Travel Topic: The Top 5 Travel Necessities No Travelista Should Live Without
Publish your post and then submit to on February 3, 2013
Carnival Host: @BrownGirlsFly
Carnival Date: April 9, 2013
Travel Topic: 5 Places I've Never Been (And Why I Want To Go)
Publish your post and then submit to on
April 7, 2013
Questions? Comments?
Leave them here, show your support, grab the badge, and then join in on the Carnival fun! #ittakesavillage

Oooooo. I hope this works. =/
Carnival Date: April 9, 2013
Travel Topic: 5 Places I've Never Been (And Why I Want To Go)
Publish your post and then submit to on
April 7, 2013
Questions? Comments?
Leave them here, show your support, grab the badge, and then join in on the Carnival fun! #ittakesavillage

Oooooo. I hope this works. =/
LOVE this idea! Can't wait to read the blogs.
Yay! Hopefully, you'll participate too!
I love this. I will be adding the dates to my calendar to make sure I do a post.
Count me in!
This is going to be so much fun! Can't wait for round one!
Love this idea! What a great line up of travel bloggers
Amazing idea! Cheers to you all for promoting such a fun and collaborative idea!
So looking forward to this carnival! I write about personal identity through letters to my kiddos, and have been meaning to incorporate travel into my messages. Travel truly can define, redefine and evolve your identity almost more than anything else can. I also look forward to writing more about my opinions on multicultural travel, in general. So exciting!!
Congrats! Great Idea! I am sure it will be a success!
So awesome! I would love to be a part of this. Cheers everyone!
Great idea and I like that the submission dates are all spaced out! I'm hoping I should be able to keep up! Yay! And looking forward to meeting you at the Niche Mommy Conference :)
Great idea, great topics. Looking forward. Thanks!
Sounds great. I've traveled a good bit and haven't blogged much about it. Have been wanting to share more about my past and future journeys. This WILL be great!
Can I say AWESOME!!! I'm so looking forward to the blogs, and reading about all of the different travel experiences.
Very cool idea and fun topics! I'm definitely participating!
Hitting "Love" button T!
Unfortunately, I got my hands full tonight BUT I will def. join this carnival later on. Great idea! :)
- Maria Alexandra
Love this idea ;-) I can't wait to submit!!
This looks like GREAT fun! Can't wait to read it! I'm also going to follow everyone on Twitter. I need more Brown Girl Travelers!
Ahh!!! I missed the carnival this go around, but I am still going to post and officially join in the next time. :-) Thanks!
love this idea !!!
This is a great idea! I've been constantly traveling and blogging about the places I've been. I really can't wait!
It is great to hear from brown girls. normally we heard white girls all the time CHEERS. We are country with Brown girls and they also travel a lot, love to have you around here one day.
Fantastic idea! Will be posting and submiting post the the October Carnival :D
Bali Villas
Nice one! Great idea and collaboration. You girls seem to be having lots of fun. Keep it up!
I'll work on a post for April. Thanks!
Hi Tracey... going doing a great job.. to hi-light the bloggers was great reading here.. Mumbai Pune Cab
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