Okay. So here's the deal: I spend a lot of time blogging about loving the skin we're in and I mean it from the bottom of my soul. Doesn't matter what shade of skin it is; doesn't matter if you have freckles or albinism; and it doesn't matter what your cultural background is. It only matters that you take pride in and love the skin you've been born into...because it is absolutely, positively, unequivocally beautiful. Holla!
When I was at a blogging conference a few weeks ago, I stopped by one of the booths in the expo hall and a representative from Eucerin asked me if I knew about Eucerin products. "Of course I do," I responded. "My grandmother used the cream and my mom uses it too." She gave me some Eucerin products and I was on my merry way. So when the PR girl from Eucerin contacted me a week ago to ask me how I liked the products and offered to give me some Eucerin freebies, I thought it would be a perfect fit for OneBrownGirl.com®. After all, loving our skin is what we do, right?
So here's how you can enter to win the Eucerin goody bag pictured below along with 2 free OBG tees of your choice. (And of course there's going to be a cultural twist with this contest because that's what OBG is all about.)
To enter: First, take Eucerin's skin quiz; and then take the Eucerin skin pledge pledging to put the health of your skin first. Third, write a haiku (a form of Japanese poetry) about "loving the skin you're in." The best 2 haiku will get the Eucerin goody bag and the free OBG tees! In keeping with the English contemporary version of Japanese haiku, your haiku should be 3 lines long with no more than 17 syllables total. Send your entry to info@OneBrownGirl.com with "I Love The Skin I'm In" in the subject line. Contest ends September 20, 2010. (Whispering: And if you aren't down with haiku, simply take the Skin First Pledge & get a free sample of Eucerin & a donation in your name!)
DO YOU LOVE THE SKIN YOU'RE IN?!?!?!!?!? Go ahead and tell us about it. =)

Full Disclosure: I was given Eucerin samples at BlogHer '10 and was ultimately offered Eucerin products as indicated in the post above. I was not asked to write this review or provide readers with this contest and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
And the winners are Tina Ortega & Roni Hines!
First, Tina's winning Haiku:
Love the skin I’m in
I feel like Cinnamon sweet
Beautiful brown girl
and now, Roni's winning Haiku:
Skin kissed by the sun
Varied hues like fallen leaves
Brown is beautiful
Thanks for playing (and winning)! And thanks for loving the skin you're innnn....
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