Here I go confessing again.
I grew up watching musicals (and imagining myself in them). I can probably sing every song from The King and I (pictured left), the Sound of Music, Gigi, Oklahoma, South Pacific, My Fair Lady, Singing in the Rain, Stormy Weather, and the like. The drama (!), the clothing (!), the production value, and the overall detail of old musicals and movies can never be replicated. Glee is cool, but you just can't beat the minute nuances and elaborate productions of old school films. You still understood the story without the explosions and the explicity. (Did I just date myself?) *Shrug*
Anyway, one of the things I love most about music in general is its cultural impact and its unique interpretations. So I have decided that in the interest of culture (that's what I celebrate, right?) I'm going to attempt to find different interpretations of the same song and post them on Sundays from time to time. This is going to be fun. *Clapping*
Today, the first video I'm posting is of Sarah Brightman singing "Harem," a current song with a video featuring a harem of beautiful Brown Girls. (Originally, I was going to do a piece about the truth about harems, but I'll get to that another time.) It appears that Ms. Brightman changed the lyrics and the entire meaning of the original Portguese song by Portugese actress and singer Amália Rodrigues (1920-1999) called "Canção Do Mar" that speaks of the beauty of the sea (video #2). Literally interpreted, it means Song of the Sea. Given my love of us Brown Girls and my love of the sea, you probably understand why I chose this song as the first in this series.
Moving on: The third interpretation is from Portugese singer songwriter Dulce Pontes. The familiar part of the song begins around the two minute mark. Beautiful.
Like I said, different interpretations of the same song. Enjoy your Sunday. Music, maestro!

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