Doesn't matter what country they're from or what shade of Brown they are (or aren't), I don't think I have ever been surprised to see women carrying bundles of sticks, jugs of water, or baskets of fruit on top of their heads. It seems....I dunno....normal. And although I might sound redundant, every bit of research I do always takes me back to the same conclusion: We are all so so similar and yet so so different and I find it so so cool. We are I love to say...just One Brown Girl. =)
And so, in the spirit of our similarities and as a nod to the colorful postcard I found in France a few months ago (pictured above), I have compiled some photos of women from all over the world carrying their treasures on their heads. See if you can guess which country/culture belongs to which group of women, whydontcha? It'll be fun. Here are the countries: Guatemala, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Grenada, Mexico, Barbados, Madagascar, Ghana, Bali, Mali, Seri Indian of New Mexico, Indonesia, Native American, and India. I'll post the answers right here in the comments section of the blog next week and the first person to get them all right will get an OBG gift. Have fun!

Guatemala J/Ethiopia D/Myanmar K/Grenada E/Mexico M/Barbadoes B/Madagascar A/Ghana I/Bali H/ Mali L/Seri Indian N/Indonesia C/Native Am. F/India G
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