If you are remotely close to being as sensitive as I am about service to others, you should get out your Kleenex box before you view the video below. (At a minimum, you'll end up with a lump in your throat.)
People all over the world are doing good works - some with youth, some with seniors, some with the poor, and...here today...some with food. Service connects us all.
Enjoy the video. Enjoy your Friday. I hope you are inspired. =)

FYI: There are two other places I learned about in the United States that have a similar approach to humanity with food. In Berkeley, it's Karma Kitchen (http://www.KarmaKitchen.org) and in Denver, it's So All May Eat (http://www.soallmayeat.org/). #bravo
I greatly appreciated the kleenex warning you issued. I'm a sniveler and this got me.
I'd heard about the Karma Kitchen and now it's on my "to-do" list. LOVE the concept behind the oneness project. It helps to shift a person's perspective from "I" to one of "We". What a great foodie post.
I just came back from visiting the mountains of West Virginia. I did not realize that people were still living very poor and still eating "dirt" in the U.S. we tend to stay in our own bubble and do not realize man others do not have all we have.
Food should not be a issue in the U.S.
Wow, dirt? I wouldn't have been able to manage seeing that let alone knowing about it. Sigh. Thank goodness for those who help feed the world.
What a great video! You said I'd be inspired and I truly am. Makes me feel lucky to have to have the luxury of wondering "what's for dinner?"
I've been thinking about a volunteer project for my son. I think we've found it. We need to find shelters in our area where he can help serve meals to kids his age.
This is a brilliant cause! The narrator is absolutely correct... Everyone loves to eat and food is a great medium to encourage others to serve. What better way to "pay it forward"!
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