Photo credit: Tim Alexander |
Inspired by Shelley's immeasurable cool points and further inspired by my need to have a good time at every opportunity, I have decided to create®'s very first 30 Day Photo Challenge...Brown Girl style.

Are you in? If so, create an album on your Facebook page called The OBG 30 Day Photo Challenge and start by posting a photo of yourself that is over 10 years old (along with a description). Mine is above...and it's way over 10 years old. Then tag me.
If you aren't on Facebook (or you want to play in two places), then tweet the photo to @OneBrownGirl along with the hashtag #OBGChallenge and the words "Warming up for The OBG 30 Day Photo Challenge" and a link back to this post. You won't have to post anything again until October 1, but always with #OBGChallenge. If you play every day and have the designated 32 photos in your album or on the #OBGChallenge hashtag by November 1, I'll bring you back a little something from Paris.
If you aren't on Facebook (or you want to play in two places), then tweet the photo to @OneBrownGirl along with the hashtag #OBGChallenge and the words "Warming up for The OBG 30 Day Photo Challenge" and a link back to this post. You won't have to post anything again until October 1, but always with #OBGChallenge. If you play every day and have the designated 32 photos in your album or on the #OBGChallenge hashtag by November 1, I'll bring you back a little something from Paris.
Sounds fun to me. How about you? Leave "I'm playing" in the comments section below if you're down for Brown. LOL. I like saying that.
Disclaimer: This is not a Facebook or Twitter contest. In fact, it's not even a contest. It's just fun.
Photos can be your own or something you find on the Internet.
Photos can be your own or something you find on the Internet.
(Do not post ahead of the time. You can post within 48 hours of each date.
If you don't start by October 3, you can still play along, but you'll have to catch us next time
in order to get a gift from Paris. #oohlala.)
If you don't start by October 3, you can still play along, but you'll have to catch us next time
in order to get a gift from Paris. #oohlala.)
October 2: (Diversity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo that represents diversity that needs absolutely no description. Title it Diversity. If tweeting, include #diversity.
October 3: (Travel) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo from your last vacation describing one stand out occurrence from the trip.
October 4: (Humanity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo from a human rights campaign that feeds &/or clothes children with a 3-sentence description of a few facts about the campaign and/or country.
October 5: (Environment) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of one of your favorite outdoor environment. Do not say where it is. Let people guess. (You can answer after 5 people ask or confirm when someone gets it right.)
October 6: (Culture/Diversity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo or video of a foreign language film that you would like to see or have seen.
October 7: (Travel) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of you holding your passport. If you don't have a passport, post a photo of a passport and make a personal promise to get one within the next 6 months.
October 8: (Culture) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a woman/women wearing a sari/s.
October 9: (Culture/Dance) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a tango or flamenco.
October 10: (Humanity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a Brown Girl humanitarian that you respect (living or passed) with 1 sentence > "I respect the work of _____ because ______."
October 11: (Diversity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of the logo of a company known for its diverse hiring or workplace practices and explain in a sentence or two what those practices are.
October 12: (Environment) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of children playing outdoors.
October 13: (Culture) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of an African woman/women in traditional African attire.
October 14: (Travel) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a destination that is on your bucket list.
October 15: (Humanity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a famous Brown Girl (celebrity or otherwise) that is part of a humanitarian effort with a description of the cause in 4 sentences or less.
October 16: (Culture) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of an ancient symbol that has some personal significance along with its meaning.
October 17: (Environment) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of one of the three sources of alternative energy.
October 18: (Diversity/Family) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a mixed raced family with a note that says "Love Knows No Color."
October 19: (Culture) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of Native American women in traditional clothing being certain to name the tribe with which they are affiliated and the part of the US they are known to have lived.
October 20: (Travel) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet an old photo of a mode of transportation that we still use today.
October 21: (Humanity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of an endangered animal describing the animal and why it is endangered in 4 sentences or less.
October 22: (Environment) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of something that represents the recycle effort.
October 23: (Family) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of the First Family of the United States of America.
October 24: (Culture) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of someone wearing something from a culture that is not their own.
October 25: (Diversity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of the cover of a children's book that encourages or is about diversity.
October 26: (Environment) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a cause of air pollution with a potential solution for this particular cause.
October 27: (Travel) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo that represents advocacy for youth travel.
October 28: (Humanity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a Brown Girl Nobel Prize lauerate (and not one of the four listed on within the last several days/weeks).
October 29: (Culture) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of a woman with a henna tattoo making note of which part of the world she hails from.
October 30: (Diversity) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of what you think might be a culturally appropriate Halloween costume.
October 31: (Travel) Using the guidelines above, post or tweet a photo of something that represents Paris.
I'm In...
Oops, I'm Playing..
I'm playing! As with all things OBG, this will be FUN and educational.
I would love to play if I wasn't already doing my own...glad you took the concept and put your own spin on it. This will be fun!
Actually, if I can do yours through the Twitter method then I'm playing!
I'm playing...
I'm playing!
I forgot to compliment you on such a pretty picture!
Thank you, Aqueelah. =)
Really great ideas/topics for the photos too. Love it Tracey~
I'm in...this is going to be fun!!
I'm playing...this will be fun!!!
Sounds like so much fun! Would love to join in but this month might be a busy one :(
Will definitely be following along and may post a few photos randomly in support.
I'm a little late but I'm in too :-) gotta play catch up!
It's never too late, Flor! Just having a little fun and celebrating culture, diversity, humanity and travel at the same time. =)
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