Free Roundtrip Airline Ticket Giveaway!
Even though I'm not one of those bloggers that hosts lots of giveaways, I really do like giving things away. (My Facebook peeps will attest to that.)
In fact, I can't wait until early 2013 when I'll be giving away a pair of roundtrip tickets on JetBlue to San Juan, Puerto Rico for Passport Party Project Wrap Party Weekend at the hip and stylish La Concha Resort at a Twitter/Facebook party with mi amigas at Latina Mom Bloggers. (Are you coming?!?!? We want you to.) How exciting will that be? #cantwait

But today, I've got ONE roundtrip domestic airline ticket (on American Airlines) that expires November 15, 2012 to give away in a random drawing good for the US48, Mexico or Canada. The reason? It's a ticket I can't use (OMG) and since OBG and #BrownGirlsGive advocates are so fly (pun intended), I thought it would be cool to give it away to one of you. Cool, hunh?
CAVEAT. There's only one thing you should keep in mind and that is the ticket isn't that easy to book. That means that you'll have to be flexible with both destination AND the dates you can travel because this class of ticket has limited availability. And while that might be a bummer for a lot of you, and while you ultimately might not even be able to use it, I figured it was worth a shot. *Shrug* But just think about it: Entering the contest is a piece of cake and more importantly puts shoes on the feet of those who need them, but at the end of the day the choice is yours. #yagottabeinittowinit
So here's the dealio:
1. If you haven't already done so, like #BrownGirlsGive on Facebook. If you aren't on Facebook, go to step #2.
2. Read about the latest shoe donation campaign. Click on About and then follow the link for the details. If you aren't on Facebook, click here.
3. Commit to donating at least 2 pairs of new or gently worn shoes. Doesn't matter what kind.
4. Take a photo of yourself with your donation and/or at the post office or drop site making your donation. Be sure to use the donation form and write #BrownGirlsGive on it for the company name.
6. Leave your first and last name in the comments section of this post. Each name (that follows through with 1-5 above) will be assigned a number and a random drawing will take place on Wednesday, September 19 (my mom's birthday) at 11pm PST. I'll announce the winner on Thursday, September 20.
Easy, right?
Then let's do it. Why? Because #BrownGirlsGive.

Disclosure: My American Airlines voucher. My choice to give it away. No sponsor necessary.
Entry Deadline: September 19, 2012, 10:59pm PST. Winner will be announced on the #BrownGirlsGive Facebook page and in the comments section of this post.
Entry Requirements: See above.
Prize: There will be 1 prize award of an American Airlines travel voucher valued at the average price of a domestic (US48, Canada, Mexico) roundtrip airline ticket on American Airlines that expires on November 15, 2012. Please make note of the caveat above.
Open to US residents only.
As always, you DO NOT have to be Brown to participate in ANYTHING that happens on this site. You just have to be Down With Brown. *Giggle*
As always, you DO NOT have to be Brown to participate in ANYTHING that happens on this site. You just have to be Down With Brown. *Giggle*
Tamecka Sandifer
Awesome Tracy :)
Pam Hansen
Shautel Walker
I love Brown Girls Give!!!!
Coretta Montague
Thanks for the opportunity to give back!
Aisha Greene
Donate shoes, take a photo doing so, post/email the photo, & then leave your name in the Comments section of this post. With 70 Likes on this post and over 85 pairs of shoes donated so far (deadline for this #BrownGirlsGive campaign is 10/15/12), here are the final contestants to be selected at random:
1. Tamecka Sandifer
2. Pam Hansen
3. Shautel Walker
4. Coretta Montague
5. Aisha Greene
CONGRATULATIONS AISHA GREENE!!!!! You are the winnerrrr!! #BrownGirlsGive
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