Time for this Brown Girl to take a little Time Out.
Time to re-strategize, re-focus, re-energize, etc.
Time to write that children's book.
Time to dive head first in to The Passport Party Project and OBG Adventure Camps 2012 Hawaii adventure.
Time to focus on Shop OneBrownGirl a little more.
Time to find more guests bloggers for Foodie Fridays.
Time to pick up more outside freelance work.
Time to give myself a break from the responsibilities of frequent blogging on OneBrownGirl.com® and instead do some micro-blogging for awhile on my Tumblr, Foodspotting, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Time to figure out how to use Google+ and determine whether or not I want to be bothered with Triberr.
But here's what I promise:
Every time an article or post I write gets published on another site, I'll announce it.
Every time some type of milestone occurs, I'll announce it.
Whether on my micro-blogging sites or in the comments section of this post, I'll letcha know.
In the meantime, if you haven't spent a lot of time on this blog, feel free to surf around a bit and leave your comments. I'd love to hear from you. =)
See ya soon.
You've done a Tremendous job and I look forward to Tons more of your cultural enlightenment, Tracey. I eagerly anticipate visiting new places with you...and the food...and the unabashed opinions...and the chic sense of style. Carry on, as my mother would say.
What's Next > http://onebrowngirl.tumblr.com/post/13678120582/whats-next
Thanks so much Aqueelah! Carrying on...
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