Topic > Travel Etiquette: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Intro by Carnival Host @OneBrownGirl

I also think there should be a separate set of Commandments for folks that work in the travel industry; i.e., snarky flight attendants, grumpy ticket counter agents, rude gate agents, stuffy pilots, Must-Need-A-Vacation telephone representatives, and I-Could-Care-Less administrators. Everyone in the travel industry, whether traveler or worker, could use a refresher from the Travel Etiquette
To that end, I am pleased to share with you the first stop on the Traveling Brown Girls Blog Carnival circuit where Brown Girl travelistas (and the people who love us) from all over the Blogosphere will share with you their Top Five Travel Pet Peeves. Hopefully, you won't see yourself in any of their posts. And if you do, um...kindly take note.
P.S. Please: Follow us, like our posts, and leave comments if you're moved to do so. And if you're sharing this post on Twitter, please use the hashtag #traveltastic. =) Future Carnival hosts are highlighted in red. The original Carnival info post can be found here.
Blog: Absolute Travel Addict
Twitter: @AbsoluteADT
Blog: Ad-lib Traveller
Twitter: @AdlibTraveller
Blog: All About The Pretty
Twitter: @JuliaConey
Twitter: @AvQueenBenet
Blog: Awe Inclusive
Twitter: @AweInclusive
Blog: Black Girl in the Big World
Twitter: @BlkGirlBigWorld
Blog: Brown Girls Fly
Twitter: @BrownGirlsFly
Blog: De Su Mama
Twitter: @DeSuMama
Blog: Globetrotting Mama
Twitter: @greenwooddavis
Blog: Imported Chocolate
Twitter: @Jencpoe
Blog: Jewel's Fab Life
Twitter: @JewelFigueras
Blog: La (Not Always So) Vida "Normal"
Twitter: NA
Post: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: mama goes BAM
Twitter: NA
Post: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: mama goes BAM
Twitter: @OMGhada
Blog: Mo Travels
Twitter: @Monique_Rubin
Blog: Nicole is the New Black
Twitter: @NicoleNewBlack
Post: Travel Etiquette Revisited: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: nycitymama
Twitter: @NicoleNewBlack
Post: Travel Etiquette Revisited: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: nycitymama
Twitter: @CarolACain
Blog: Oneika the Traveller
Twitter: @OneikaTraveller
Blog: Sky Chi Travels
Twitter: @skychi_travels
Blog: Solo Woman Traveler
Twitter: @LifeOptimist
Post: 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: Take a Leap
Twitter: @weconnectedprod
Blog: Tatiana in Flux
Twitter: @TatianaInFlux
Post: Vomiting Passengers, Wild Kids & More: My Top Five Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: The Travel Beat
Twitter: @JulieBMack
Post: Five Travel Pet Peeves You Should Get Over
Blog: Traveling Latina
Twitter: @TravelingLatina
Post: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: Try Anything Once
Twitter: @TryItFoodTravel
Post: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: The Travel Beat
Twitter: @JulieBMack
Post: Five Travel Pet Peeves You Should Get Over
Blog: Traveling Latina
Twitter: @TravelingLatina
Post: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: Try Anything Once
Twitter: @TryItFoodTravel
Post: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Blog: Who's World
Twitter: @WhosWorld
Post: Travel Etiquette Revisited: My Top 5 Travel Pet Peeves
Carnival Announcement: The next stop on the Carnival circuit takes place in October and is hosted by April of Absolute Travel Addict. Join us for the Greatest Carnival on Earth! ;-) Details here.
Love the response and the posts I've read so far. Looking forward to getting to the rest and the upcoming months of the carnival!! Great idea!
WOW - this is an awesome list! I've read most of these already and they are hilarious. I'm going to try and get through the rest today.
Wonderful list!! Going to read now!
Wow! That's a lot of pet peeves.
Even though I can name at least another 50 Traveling Brown Girl bloggers, this is an awesome turnout for a first time effort! I just love it when the Carnival comes to town! =D
This is so much fun! Love the diversity here! Thanks and I hope to see everyone again in October.
Thanks Tracey for this creative idea! Looking forward to the next Carnival Blog Adventure!
The Skychi Travel Guide
Great list! I'm going to check them out now. Yay!
Thanks so much for organizing this, Tracey! It was so much fun! :0)
Yes, yes, travel staff definitely need a set of rules. Nothing worse than being pumped to travel and the person who starts off your whole journey puts you in a bad mood :(
This was so much fun! Great idea. Looking forward to loving your blogs. :)
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