Eye of Horus |
Ummm. Super model
Naomi Campbell got a house for her birthday. And not just ANY old house either. Her billionaire boyfriend bought her a 25-bedroom house on a private island in Turkey designed by Spanish Architect Luis de Garrido that is supposed to depict the
Eye of Horus, an
ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal power and good health. The eye is personified in the goddess Wadjet...one of the earliest of
Egyptian deities. Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon. His right eye was associated with the sun Ra. [
Source] Nice gift.
Photo: Luis de Garrido |
Photo: Luis de Garrido |
Photo: Luis de Garrido |
Photo: Luis de Garrido |
Evidently, the house is eco-friendly...which is entirely up my alley. Did I mention that the island where Naomi's Horus house is located is known as
Cleopatra Island? Local legend has it that Mark Antony imported the sand especially for Cleopatra herself, who would not set foot on any land that wasn’t Egyptian.
[Source] Well, excuse me.
According to Egyptartsite.com,
the sound eye of Horus
symbolizing healing and protection.
In case you hadn't noticed, the way the photos above show off Naomi's new digs are a depiction of the mirror image, or left eye [of Horus], [which]...represent[s] the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth) [Source] and not the sun Ra.
No matter. Since I'm in to anything with cultural significance (including 25-bedroom homes), I have a question to ask you:
If you could have a house designed with an ancient symbol as the theme, which ancient symbol would you choose?
Such a unique idea for a home. I would choose infinity as my ancient symbol.
I was asked on Facebook which symbol I would choose and I think it would have to be the Ankh, the symbol of eternal life. #figurative
What a wonderful idea...maybe the Seed of Life, I really find it intriguing the number of symbols and meanings which are derived from this one.
I would say the ankh or the ohm. I have an ankh tattoo on my wrist and usually wear a necklace with an ohm charm when I haven't misplaced it.
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